Fokker Friendship Restaurant reopens day after sealing
CHITAL: The Fokker Friendship Restaurant near Chitral airport was reopened a day after the deputy commissioner sealed it for what he said posing a serious security threat to the operation of the airport.
On Sunday, Shazada Siraj Ulmulk, the owner of the restaurant, in a Facebook posts stated: “On the intervention of Commissioner Malakand Riaz Khan Mahsud a dear friend and a well-wisher of Chitral I am glad to announce that the sad episode involving Fokker Friendship Restaurant has come to an amicable end.
“I regret that at times I got carried away and consequently may have used words which could have hurt DC Khurshid Alam. For that I apologize.”
He also said: “I appeal to my beloved Chitrari people to kindly consider this episode ended and to refrain from making any remarks on this subject.
My wife and I along with the staff of Fokker Friendship Restaurant thank you all for supporting us in our hour of need. God bless Chitrar.”
@Abdullah Is this a good governance letting a man free for business sacrificing everything for him on the small public road and near international airport. DC taken action on solid reports, but its NayaPakistan provided hotel owner commissioner support.
Mr chetrari: What has this whole affair got to do with Chitral? The Commissioner was wise enough to stop the Deputy Commissioner from pursuing an administratively suicidal path. So he acted as a good administrative officer in the best interest of good governance
It is surprising what type of service it provides to the people of Chitral. Sirajulmulk is doing his business making a hotel in a place where atleast double sttorey is not allowed. And Commissioner Malakand has done a big blunder to involving in the affairs of district Chitral, bypassing the deputy commissioner Chitral. One thing we all know that DC Chitral has no personal benefit in it rather according to Law he had sealed the hotel. This hotel should be closed every time vehcles standing there closing the road and it has troubled people here around and air service in airport also.
Good news for every one in Chitral. Such service providing organizations must not be targeted in future.
Is Commissioner Malakand, a dear friend & well-wisher of Chetrar or a dear friend of yours? That’s the real question.