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Drinking water issue in Upper Kosht

By Inam Ullah (Kosht Barumkagh)

Every year in the month of November when winter knocks at the door, the people of Upper Kosht, especially women, start worrying about drinking water. Water supply to Upper Kosht stops from November to April every year due to improper engineer’s survey of a supply line and mismanagement of funds in the project. The people of Upper Kosht face a lot of difficulties in these five months of winter and fetch water for daily use from kilometers away even during heavy snowfall.

In winter the temperature drops to -23 degree centigrade and about 2 to 3 feet snow falls in Upper Kosht. Everything gets frozen and roads blocked for every kind of traffic. Water as a basic need for life becomes unavailable for drinking.

Women suffer more difficulties than men because of the cultural traditions that are in practice in Chitral. Men usually don’t contribute in home tasks like cooking etc. And thus it has become a tradition that the responsibility to bring water for daily use is put on women. This is very contemptible.

Work was started on the water pipeline of Upper Kosht in 2008 and still in process. Millions rupees of fund released by local and provincial government in these eleven years but the authorities failed to make a well construct pipeline. The reason should be found out.

The other sources from which people take water in winter are mostly springs but some other means are also used. The water taken from these alternative sources is actually not suitable to drink but is used because there is no other way.

The people of Upper Kosht are in big trouble because they have no other source of clean and drinkable water. The authorities should investigate the process of work on the construction of water pipeline and ask the responsible people that why it is still incomplete and where have been spent the funds released from time to time.


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