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Meeting vows to resist govt bids to occupy public lands thru vague notification

CHITRAL: People from a cross-section of society have called upon the government to avoid finalizing land settlement in Chitral without removing the reservations of the locals and taking them on board.

Speaking at a meeting held at a hotel here on Sunday, MPA Hidayatur Rehman and district nazim Maghfirat Shah warned that unilateral finalization of the land record by the government would create unrest and differences between the government departments and the residents.

They said the locals had genuine reservations on the government claims of riverbeds and Shamilat land being state property. They contended that 98 per cent territory of Chitral comprised mountains which the local people had been utilizing for centuries. But now the government through the unilateral land settlement is trying to deprive the locals of their right to utilize the hilly and mountainous areas which would be resisted.

They also said the notification of 1975 on the basis of which the government was trying to take over riverbeds and other community lands was vague and had not yet been explained.

They said bids to harass people of Upper Chitral regarding their right on utilizing Qaqlasht and other lands were also being made on the basis of the land settlement.

Also read: A complaint against patwaris in Chitral

The meeting also decided to pass resolutions at the village, tehsil and district council level against the government move to occupy the public land.

It was also decided that a meeting in this regard would be held at the district bar room on March 27.

Molana Jamshed Ahmed, Shahzada Hishamul Mulk, Muhammad Kausar Advocate, Alam Zeb Advocate, Abdul Majeed Qureshi, Engineer Fazle Rabi, Nabeg Advocate and Inayatullah Aseer also attended the meeting.

Reporter: Muhkam Uddin Ayuni

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  2. اختر شاد says

    گزشتہ عشرے سے چترال میں پٹواریوں کے نام اور کام سے سب واقف ہیں لیکن چترال کے اندر زمینات کے حوالے سے نہ ختم ہونے والے تنازغات کو پیدا کرنے والے لوگ بھی یہی ہیں. انہوں نے اپنی من مانی سے اپنے قریبوں اور کھلانے والوں کو بڑے بڑے اراضیات کا مالک و مختار بنائے ہیں جس میں اصل مالکان اور سرکار کو بالکل بے خبر رکھا گیا ہے یہاں تک کہ سرکاری روڈز اور دوسرے املاک کو بھی مہربانی کرنے سے دریع نہیں کیے ہیں
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    اختر شاد

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