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Reconstruction of Booni-Buzund road begins at last

BOONI: Work on the reconstruction of Booni-Buzund (Torkhow) road has finally been started by the Communication and Works (C&W) Department.
The federal government approved release of funds for the repair/widening of the 35 km road in November last year under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP), sources told ChitralToday.
Machinery and skilled labour were mobilized soon after the end of the winter and rainy season, an official of the department added.
The federal government on Feb 24 this year released Rs120 million for widening and carpeting of Booni-Buzand road against the total allocation of Rs300 million.
The sources said minority MPA from Chitral Wazir Zada had met provincial minister communications and work Akbar Ayub and informed him about the reservations of the people of Torkhow over the inordinate delay in the start of work on the reconstruction of the road.
He had demanded that the federal minister for communications Murad Saaed should take up the project on a priority basis.
The sources said taking notice of the issue, the federal government agreed to release the funds for the project.
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