Private schools’ fees and Supreme Court decision
By Farman Ajab
It is an appreciable decision made by Supreme Court of Pakistan on Dec 13, 2018, regarding fee for private schools in Pakistan. It is a great relief given by Supreme Court to the people of Pakistan particularly those whose children are receiving education in private schools. It is the first time in the history of Pakistan that the Supreme Court has ordered to maintain the fee structure in private schools. Before that each private school used to fix its fee as it liked and increased its fee according to its own wishes.
Although I am not law knowing person but am sure that the decision of the Supreme Court will be applicable to all private schools in Pakistan, including Aga Khan Schools in Chitral, Karachi and Diamond Jubilee Schools in Gilgit-Baltistan run under the Aga Khan Education Service Pakistan. These Schools are controlled by chief executive officer and his management sitting in Karachi. Honestly speaking there are two types of private schools in Pakistan: those that are made for business and are receiving exorbitant monthly tuition fee. They fulfil all the school expenditure and staff salaries from this fee and those that are made for the welfare of the people and do not receive any kind of fee. They are imparting free education. These types of schools are mostly seminaries. They run only from donations. By keeping the above two types of schools in mind when we think about the schools run under the Aga Khan Education Service, we see they come neither in the first category nor in the second.
Taking advantage from this occasion, I would like to bring the following facts about the existing position of these schools in the notice of the Supreme Court in order to get further relief.
The AKES is an international organization run under the leadership of Prince Karim Aga Khan who believes in brotherhood and considers service to mankind is his foremost duty. He demands the same values from all the employees working in his institutions. To fulfil his mission, His Highness has established various service providing agencies all over the world for the benefit of human beings. In the same spirit, a welfare organization namely Aga Khan Education Service Pakistan (AKES) has been working for a long time and is involved in imparting education in the backward areas of the country like Chitral and Gilgit-Baltistan.
His Highness provides a huge amount in terms of grants to Aga Khan Education Service Pakistan every year which are used for the monthly salaries of all the employees, including teaching staff. This grant is also used to meet various expenses such as fuel, repair work etc. Besides the grant, a huge amount being received as donations from donors for various educational activities. In this connection, I may refer to the 21 million Euros taken from European Commission in 2003. Free lands for school buildings have been taken from the local community. Labour cost and local material also provided by local community in the construction of the schools. The European Commission has provided grants in order to build school buildings. Furniture and other items have been provided by local donors. Besides these, a hug amount being received as monthly tuition fee. For example, the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Chitral is currently charging Rs5,340 tuition fee and Rs 150 ICT fee per month from each class 10 student. It receives an ancillary fee equal to one month’s tuition fee once in every year. Admission fee about Rs22,000 consists of one month’s tuition fee, ancillary fee equal to one month’s tuition fee and security fee is deposited at the time of admission. In case of delay of monthly tuition fee, a fine of Rs 100 per month is received by the school management.
The AKES is registered with the government of Pakistan under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984. By keeping these points in mind, I am justified in saying that the AKES is a charitable organization and the AKESP management itself admits the AKES is basically not a profit earning organization. On the basis of this, the government has exempted the AKES from all kinds of taxes. But as a charitable organization the AKES is receiving huge amount as tuition fee which is against the charter of a welfare organization. Being a charitable and welfare organization and having such facilities from all the sides, the management of AKES does not deserve to claim such huge amount as tuition fee.
Is this decision is applicable for prvt colleges where ist year 2nd year classes are taught?
private schools in faisalabad demand written descion of supreme court regarding school fee 20%.
The AKES has proved its worth many times, its students have got to some of the prestigious institutions in the country and abroad, even in 2018 four to five AKES students made it to AKU medical college.
Compared to the quality education, the fee is little. Even returning 20% fee would not affect AKES, P; which is part of AKDN, whose annual development budget is more than the national budget of some of the third world countries. So do not worry it is not dependant on our fee and is not going to collapse. The institution is not making any profit from student fees and all its programmes in Chitral are highly subsidised.
AKES’ service to education in Chitral, in particular, and Pakistan in general, are highly praiseworthy. The institution needs our appreciation and genuine support not unwanted and ill-infromed criticism.
Dear Farman Ajab, do you think that if AKES,P returns 20% of the tuition fees to the student, the organization will collapse and you will enjoy the situation. It is a peanut for AES,P and easily manageable. Please think about your problems “Tera kia hoga Kalia”.
If there is such an order from Supreme Court, AKES,P will surely be considering to abide by the law. AKES,P will never ever breach the law. However, what farman Ajab is going to get out of this is not known. Farman Ajab has always been a loser as far as I am aware of. Many people lost their jobs following this person. Many young people lost their jobs due to noncompliance of AKES,P’s policies on his direction. Many of them still curse at him. They felt a sense of relief when Farman Ajab lost his own job with AKES,P. This is time for him to concentrate on his shop and he didn’t deserve to work for an international organization, like AKES,P.
Let us suppose, the gentleman is correct. But why he did not ask these questions when he was an employee of the said organization? Why he used to enjoy at the cost of poor students’ tution fee and roam around in the while Defender Land Rover (my favourit off roader, but no worries going to purchase one in days to come)? He did not remember the miseries of the students when he used to draw 75,000 bucks?? Come on buddy…don’t forget your criticism on poor clerics and their state of the art seminaries this soon.
Well tried but smells more of a personal grievance.
The recent order of the Supreme Court to cut fees by 20 per cent is applicable to all private schools across the country that are charging more than Rs.5000 per month fees.
I think people who read this article should know the background of this gentleman known as Farman Ajab. He was working with AKES,P drawing heavy salary of around Rs.75000/. However he was a shrewd and troublesome person. A few years back he resigned from AKES,P and some people say he was working with a fake degree and was sacked. He has grudges with the organization and hence he has been writing against it. To the surprise of everyone this time he has written in English. I suspect he can write in English and if he could write so well he would not have been unemployed. He keeps writing against AKES,P in Urdu and thanks to someone who helped him in translating the same to English.
For many years he was in court with his own logic and eventually he had to withdraw the case unconditionally. Those who followed his advises suffered and now curse him.
only for 22 schools not for all private schools in Pakistan
what is new not known to anyone about AKES operations in Pakistan and particular in GB& Chitral. Why Mr Ajab is so keen to let people know about it? Is there any hidden grudge. Mr Ajab should also know that AKES after operating for more that 3 decades is deficit model. Any way people like this are sick minded, who interfere others’ businesses for no sweet reason. Who you are to take up this matter in media?
thank you