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Price review body issues revised list

CHITRAL: The district price review committee on Friday issued a revised list of basic commodities that will come into force from May 26.
Price review body issues revised listThe new list was prepared at a meeting of the committee chaired by Assistant Commissioner Chitral Sajid Nawaz Gondal.

The meeting was attended by representatives of political parties and traders besides officials, including the district food controller Fazle Bari. The official prices were fixed after examining the rates in different parts of the province.

It was decided that chicken would be sold alive or slaughtered after weighing it. The normal practice in Chitral has been selling chicken alive at a fixed rate per piece irrespective of its size and weight.

From now onward, chicken meat will be sold at the rate of Rs210 per kg while live chicken will be available at Rs190 per kg. Beef will be sold at the rate of Rs340 in the Chitral town and Rs330 in Ayun and Drosh, red meat (boneless) and Qeema will be available at Rs400.

Similarly, fish common (desi) will be sold at Rs250 per kg and cooked Rs350 per kg, trout (raw) Rs1,800 per kg and trout (cooked) Rs2,300 per kg. Milk price has been fixed at Rs120 per kg and yogurt Rs130 per kg.

The meeting could not decide about the categorization of tailors and the current stitching rate of Rs600 per suit was maintained while the rate for tailoring clothes of children was fixed at Rs400.
The assistant commissioner warned that those violating the price list or fleecing consumers would be dealt with sternly.–Muhkam Uddin Ayuni

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