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AHSS Kuragh celebrates annual parents day

CHITRAL: Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Kuragh celebrated its annual paarents day.

The day formally commenced with recitation from the holy Quran, Naat Sharif, national song followed by a welcome speech by a 12 grade student Nuzhat Nazir. The stage was handed over to the principal who gave a comprehensive presentation on the school performance, achievements, challenges and way forward.

After informally welcoming the audience, the principal shared with the participants the general information about the school. She said academic excellence of any school greatly depends on competent, professional, proactive and passionate teaching faculty. Therefore, we have tried to retain trained, competent and professional teaching faculty during the academic year 2017.

There had been three faculty members who left the organization for brighter prospects, and were replaced with better replacement. This was one of the many reasons that the school did not only achieved 100% of its targets but also the quality targets remained higher too.

She said 86% students achieved A & A+ grades and 14% B with the weighted average percentage of 89%. She told the parents that teaching and learning process at AKHSS Kuragh is beyond classroom environment. Students are exposed to interactive classroom teaching, students contribute in classroom learning through presentation on assigned tasks, project based learning, ICT integrated teaching, portfolio assessment (regular feedback on students’ tasks and build on learning through reflections), formative (assessment and remedies for better learning) and summative assessments (two assessment and remedies for better learning).

Talking about achievements during the year, principal of the school shared that school remained one of the top performing schools affiliated with Aga Khan University Examination Board. 5 student achieved high achiever award and 1 student remained one of top 10 students in the country. She said that the achievements of the school are uncountable as four students joined MBBS, two engineering in UET, and NUST, six students joined Asian University for Women, Bangladesh and many have joined good quality professional educational institutions with scholarship.

The school celebrated 10 years of excellent existence on August 7, 20017 and was awarded Academic Excellence Award 2017 by Deputy District Education Officer (male) education department Chitral.

The AHSS Kuragh conducted table tennis coaching for 56 students. Sports gala 2017 was organized for the students of a week duration. Sports competition of volley ball, football, cricket, table tennis, badminton, 100 & 200 hundred meters race. Inter AKHSS Pakistan Studies, Islamiat Quiz and Urdu Speech contest 2017 were carried out on International teachers’ Day between SSC & HSSC of both AKHSSs, where SSC level was won the host school. District level Science & Mathematics Quiz Competition and Creative Writing Competition was carried out during the year 2017. School was able to keep the 1st position at SSC level Quiz and creative writing competition.

Talking about welfare of the students she assured the parents that their children are best taken care of in the hostels She said that hostels being run under AKES, Chitral provide best facilitations in terms of quality and balanced diet, academic support and all round sports facilities. The boarders of both hostels are provided with after school library and internet facilities, resulting in better academic performance of the boarders compared to day scholars. The health condition of our boarders is of great relevance to us, and we are always sensitive and careful to the health of our boarders and students. Showing some concern over fee matters, she said that paying timely fee to the school is like blood for the human body. She said that imagine human health status without blood, how long can a human body survive without adequate requirement of blood. Nonpayment of school fee results in bitter relationship with parents and students, and many students suffer due to frequent reminders sent to them. Therefore, she urged the parents to pay especial attention to this important matter. Taking about parents’ involvement in learning process, she said that without parents’ proactive, meaningful and timely involvement in the learning process, the holistic development of a child is incomplete. Admitting a child in school and forgetting about his/her progress and development does not make any sense. Therefore, your timely visit to school is one the precious contributions you can make in your child’s development. Talking about the most important area of assessment, she said that we are very proud of our internal and external assessment system.

The assessment in AKHSSs are not meant to fail or pass the students, we strongly believe that learning is derived from assessment. After each assessment is carried out, we the teachers and students both learn, relearn and unlearn. Therefore, students from grade IX-XII go under assessment twice a year and junior grade goes under assessment thrice a year. The assessments are meant to provide timely feedback & remedial support to student (s) share progress with parent (s) and strategize the next assessment. Therefore, all attempted papers are critically shared with students and report cards are sent to parents for their information. The school conducted 2 assessments from June-December 2017.

The principal said that we appreciate and invite parents to come and visit our learning process inside classroom. 📷 The next segment was spared for parents. Many parents took to the dais and shared their valuable views appreciating the achievements of the school and considered the institution a blessing for the area. They expressed their utter satisfaction over educating their children at such a school and assured their strong cooperation in the forthcoming years. Certificates and awards were distributed among students falling in different categories. The Arfa Karim ICT Award was given to a 9 grade student Rukhsar Amir for her outstanding performance in ICT during the year 2017. A group of students were awarded with Shining Star award for their excellent performance in ICT. Moreover, five students were given certificate of high achievement from AKU-EB for their outstanding performance in May 2017 examinations while 10 students were awarded 100% attendance award. Another 10 students were awarded with best library reader awards. The school’s 10 students also got awards for cleanliness and tidiness. By the end of the program, students of grade XI Mehrosh Ali and Irum Ali Adnan extended vote of thanks to the parents.

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