An open letter to UoC
Dear Editor,
The establishment of university of Chitral was great dream for the people of Chitral which came true. Thy have already started the process of recruiting people for different vacant positions at university where a pool of candidates coming to Chitral across KPK. This is a good sign that talented people will be hired from the great pool. I appreciate it but I have some keen observations while I was passing through this process of selection myself.
The weightage of distribution of marks should be known to the candidates i.e, e.g the weightage of the test, academic, interview & demo/practicle etc. so that the transparency should be observed during the recruiting process and no one can object on it. Secondly what is needed by the candidates to be submitted by the candidates along with the application which can have an effect on the final result of the candidates, like equivalency certificate etc. One thing that I want to mention here is that if a program is already declared to MS than why weightage is not given to the candidates who have an MS equivalent degree.
Moreover the shortlisting criteria should be at the standard level, so that the deserving candidates should have an ample of time to present himself and enough time for the selection committee to observe it closely. Recently for two lectureship post a pool of more than 60 candidates were called for demo and having a single selection committee. Can you imagine how would they be able to listen all the candidates and shortlist them for the second round. They had to select the final candidates on the same day with the appointment letter to them. What a miss-management by the University of Chitral.
The university should take these points seriously so that in the future the selection process can be run smoothly. The rules and regulation of the HEC should be known by the management of the university. These are my personal observations other agree or not.
Kind regards,
Naveed Haider.
Complaints and reservations from so many candidates about the selection process show something has definitely gone wrong. My advice to all the aggrieved parties would be ,hire a competent lawyer well versed with the selection rules and file a petition with the court to declare the entire process null and void and conduct the same process in a fair and transparent manner.
This is absolutely true that in one department for two vacancies there were 65 shortlisted candidates and in another department, there wee 56. This is purely”management problem” and NOT a discrepancy. We Chitralis don’t closely observe reality, do not follow due procedures but complain as if the whole world has gathered to victimize us! Did you request for award sheet? Anyone who did was properly guided and shown the weightage and the given marks for everything e.g. qualifications, experience, research papers,interview, demo etc. As per rules, you can still request the university for the evaluation sheet.
And yes, there were management issues in handling the candidates but it’s a new university at its infancy stage. Let’s hope things get better in the future.
I’m Yasir Hayat Chitrali and I was candidate but not selected. I can be reached at I reside in Peshawar
Dear candidates, instead of writing letters in local media you must challenge these demerit appointments in the court of law. Although our judicial system is lackluster but we have no other option. We have to stand up against injustices and lawyers dealing human rights cases must also take up this case for the sake of oppressed candidates and for the sack of Pakistan.
Under 16 scale apointees were totally on relative base. A person of in merit 1 was left in interview and selected merit 9 person for that post. University of chitral managment commitee fail while selection in 16 scale post.