Chitral Today
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  1. Sultan Wazir Khan says

    The allegations of irregularities in the project allocation and tendering process of 180 schemes estimated at 80 million rupees under the Tehsil Municipal Administration Chitral, are alarming. It is an eye opener for all and sundry in Chitral towards the integrity levels of Allied Parties ( JI-JUI ) local governance and the KPK governments claim of transparency. The Deputy Commissioner Chitral should take care of the government exchequer and bridle the evil minds from taking away the public money to the drains. The provincial government should take a serious notice of these irregularities and malpractices in the Tehsil Municipal Administration Chitral. All irregularly processed tenders require to be cancelled and re-processed in a proper, fair and transparent manner.

  2. Samad Khan says

    Good work District Government and tehsil administration. The members of district government and tehsil council always criticize government departments and even NGOs about their work. What these people are doing by themselves??
    Yesterday reports showed that members of Tehsil Council Chitral criticized two NGOs SRSP and CDLD but they are lip tighten about their own departments. Shame on you people.

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