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  1. Saeed says

    The former left the encroachment issue unfinshed. After he reached Chitral a year back he put pressure on shopkeepers that too only in winter but with the arrival of spring he remained busy in holding tournaments setting aside the encroachment task. His overall performance as far claering the Booni bazar ecroachment free remained unfinished. He started off in an excellent way but after MPA awarded him with a certificate that he is a good officer he started dancing to the tune of corrupt polititcian which was quite disappointing.

  2. Hameed Ahmed says

    Mr Abrar, he might have not left because of the Haquq people but because he completed his tenure. I on the contrary found him a very upright man who gave sleepless nights to these huqooq people. The huqooq e Awam people were only putting pressure on the govt officials for there own interests and nothing had to do with Huqooq of people in practice.

  3. Saeedul Abarar says

    Finally Hamidullah Khattak left under pressure from the Huquq e Awam. As AC Mastuj the gentleman failed to do anything commendable during his stint. By the way how did u manage to get posting in Mohmand Agency after about one month hectic struggle? The place of posting speaks vloume that what was the reason Khattak opted to go there….panchon ungli ghee me, mazei ukra pakhtuna!

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