Declaration signed for sustainable economic growth in Chitral
MNA Shahzada Iftikharuddin presents a souvenir to Italian Ambassador Stefano Pontecorvoin Islamabad on Wednesday.[/caption] The participants of the ‘Devising our own destiny: a model for collaborative partnership for inclusive and sustainable growth in Chitral’ included representatives from all three tiers of the government, the donor community, foreign missions, civil society organizations and the communities from Chitral. Chitral today is at a crossroad and has the opportunity to develop a growth trajectory which is relevant and inclusive of its people and their potential. The joint stakeholder roundtable was the first step to invite the perspective of the key stakeholders in forging the growth strategy and ensuring that the people of Chitral are an important player devising their own future. Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform, said in his key note address, “Chitral as a border district has strategic importance for us and its unique culture, history and social diversity makes it pivotally important for us that Chitral be preserved and promoted. It is wonderful to see such a diverse group of stakeholders come together to commit to the sustainable development of Chitral. We must link Chitral to the tremendous trade and economic opportunities that will arise from the opening of the Lowari Tunnel and the CPEC projects.” He added, “Chitral is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters with the frequency of such disasters increasing every few years. The organizations gathered here are critically important in helping mitigate the effects of climate change and build disaster resilient communities and structures. It will take the full support, technical assistance and resources of all the stakeholders present here to ensure that Chitral is protected from the effects of climate change and natural disasters. The preservation and promotion of the unique cultural heritage of the region and sustainable planned economic growth that does not damage the fragile social balance of Chitral is also a concern.” Qazi Azmat Isa, the CEO of PPAF, said remarked, “PPAF has invested in the social capital in Chitral for 15 years and now we are convening all the stakeholders to create a unique model of sustainable and inclusive development which will make Chitral a model district in KP. We are grateful to all the participants who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be here and particularly the people from Chitral who braved the inclement weather and blocked roads to be part of this roundtable.”
Chitral has been cut off from the mainstream because of the location throughout the year and the climate in winters. We are at a juncture in time when the Lowari Tunnel and the CPEC routes will make travel to and from Chitral much easier and therefore much more frequent. We can all come together to leverage this change in circumstances while ensuring that the development in Chitral is ecologically and culturally sustainable.He said the key to this was going to be a transparent governance structure for the utilization of funds which will be through the Chitral Development Forum designed to coordinate, steer, guide and monitor the process of the development of the district. Mr. Haji Maghfirat Shah, District Nazim Chitral, gave a development overview of Chitral. Mr. Shahzada Iftikharuddin, MNA Chitral, presented the challenges facing the district while Mr. Inayat Ullah Khan, Sr. Minister for Elections and Rural Development KP, shared the opportunities in Chitral. H.E. Stefano Pontecorvo, Italian Ambassador to Pakistan, spoke about the Italian commitment to Pakistan and development in Chitral. He said he believes that Pakistan will be one of the most leading countries in the next 10 years. Thomas Drew, British High Commissioner to Pakistan, spoke about his many visits to Chitral which he saw as a haven of peace, diversity and natural beauty. He fully supported the stakeholder commitment to sustainable development in Chitral. A Chitral declaration to pledge their commitment to the strong, inclusive, sustainable innovative and resilient economic growth of the district was signed by Haji Maghfirat Shah and Qazi Azmat Isa. Ms. Fozia Bibi, MPA Chitral, presented the declaration to the participants. PPAF will subsequently hold a follow-up conference in Chitral with the communities. A group of Chitrali students and members of the Kalash community presented their traditional folk songs. Gulnaz, the runner-up in master chef Pakistan, created traditional cuisine for the participants to taste. Stalls displaying traditional jewellery, woodwork, textile art, dry fruits and shu weaving were also present.]]>
This initiative is highly appreciated and welcomed. We pray that the leadership shun their political, racial and sectarian differences and jointly move towards the goal set in this round table meeting.
Since all the brothers present during the proceedings of this conference, are at all the praise, we dare not to raise any voice of dissent except to welcome their jubilation. We believe, their assessment is proper, honest, un-biased and free from racialism. We hope that contents of this declaration will be made public soon.
A long waited opportunity, all the leadership of Chitral are on one-page for sustainable development of Chitral.How technically sound, and professionally wonderful strategy and the plan are developed, it will only be productive and fruitful if honestly implemented with a good deed and intention. The Integrated Development Vision(IDV) as highlighted by Shah Karaz sahib is an eye opener for us. What has happened to that important document? I hope that document will be used as a reference document while developing a new strategy for Chitral.
I am sure, if all the stakeholders take the ownership of the strategy and development comprehensive documents for next one decade in the changing potentials and threats in the light of the opening of Lawari tunnel and CPEC.
I will request to all intelligentsia of Chitral to contribute their best to the development of the strategy which has been initiated by the District Government Chitral without personal, political and religious affiliation.
Many such strategies had been also approved and adopted for the district in the past too,but no real sustainability was achieved so far.The main reasons of failure were politicization ,lack of coordination and interest amongst different stakeholders, ie,government departments, Humanitarian organizations and other stakeholders in terms of knowledge sharing, accountability and decion making.Unless and until strong commitment is not shown by all relevant stakeholders in its implementation ,it will also remain a reminiscent of the past story for the students who are interested in development sector. God forbad,a political debate may soon start by different political actors in the district claiming credit of this important event.
Appreciable step.Once upon a time an Integrated Development Vision (IDV), for sustainable development in Chitral, was created that led to the creation of Chitral Development Forum (CDF) through IUCN support with noble objectives. The then District Assembly was involved in the process and ownership of the documents. What happened after that is not known to any one. The proceedings of this ‘Roundtable’ should not go into the shelves not to be seen again. The ownership of this important initiative needs to be protected for its continuation or it would be one time exercise vanishing like a tumult in a tea cup.
A positive step.we should appreciste the move,particularly because our MNA,Lady MPA,an Zilla Nazim have made joint effort in the right direction.The presence of Prince Sirajul Mulk speaks a lot in itself.Good work,please keep it up.