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  1. Asif says

    Masooud Ul Milk’s initiative is like his previous approaches when he was with AKRSP.His only approach is hydal powers. There are so many approaches and ideas to develop the nation and area. Long term and sustainable development always be through silent approaches not showing some visible projects. its also visionary political approache. Even in development sector nowadays you will no one is there to understand the concept of community development. Everyone in development sector beliveves in political approaches and gives some projects. Masood nowadays follows only the replicable model of past development practitioners “A figure among Ciphers”
    Time has proved that Masood approached worked well from AKRSP to SRSP. Chitral lightening due to these micro-hydel projects otherwise more than 70 per cent of Chitral is without government provided electricity. Even the MHP approached conceived and launched by Masood instigated the government to replicate the model in its power sector that’s why now provincial government has started construction of 300 MHPs in KP.
    It would be biased and unsubstantiated if one limits SRSP only to MHPs. By virtue of its existence under the visionary leadership of Masoodul Mulk SRSP had been working in various sectors; Education, health, livelihood, governance, TVET, agriculture and forestry, livestock, women empowerment, awareness raising and capacity building etc. And today SRSP is the only organization serving across the province and in FATA. In Chitral SRSP has facilitated communities in establishing village banks.
    There are lot of projects which are aimed in bringing visible changes in the life of general public.

  2. S.khan says

    Chitral and northern areas are rich of natural resources.local people need to use natural resources for their development and start micro level home based business and small scale manufacturing.Small scale power station should be in every villages.SRSP should identify micro level manufacturing and provide training opportunities and marketing opportunities for them . chitral needs power station in every village.

  3. Chitrali says

    Masooud Ul Milk’s initiative is like his previous approaches when he was with AKRSP.His only approach is hydal powers. There are so many approaches and ideas to develop the nation and area.Long term and sustainable development always be through silent approaches not showing some visible projects.its also visionary political approache.Even in development sector nowadays you will no one is there to understand the concept of community development. Everyone in development sector beliveves in political approaches and gives some projects. Masood nowadays follows only the replicable model of past development practitioners “A figure among Ciphers”

  4. Nighat says

    Good work SRSP. The people of Chitral district should be thankful to this organizations. If one travel from Lowari top or Arandu up to Borghol, Laspur and Shahsaleem, would only see this organizations working for the betterment of Chitral and its people. Each and every sector is covered by SRSP.
    I wonder to see every day political people go to the project side and then issue press statement, isn’t this a non-sense activity? SRSP receive its funds from international donors and would utilize according to their project design and document. Why are these political people silent about the projects funded by government funds,…. public money??? Have you seen any political leader raising voice against the poor quality of bypass road, NHA roads being repaired every year.
    We the people of Chitral consider the projects of SRSP and other NGOs only their own endeavors and no one should come to politicize their schemes.
    Good work SRSP, long live.

  5. Mubarak Khan says

    What does this ‘soon’ mean? The project was to be completed before last year. The words of the roject manager SRSP Chitral should be taken with a pinch of salt.

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