Chitral Today
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  1. Afsar Khan says

    An immature bureaucrat who is fond of self aggrandizement. Even his anti-encroachment actions in Chitral bazar and other parts of the district have been half baked and incomplete. He only damaged the shops but failed to completely remove encroachments giving the bazar an ugly look of rampage by his bulldozers and border police without achieving the objective and compromising with the encroachers. The fellow acts first and thinks later on. Dangerous for an administrator. He can do anything on whims which is even more dangerous. He is being driven by few advisers and lacks balance in his approach.

  2. saleem bukhari says

    Its amazing moment that the writer without any logic, facts and figures has to justify a bureaucrat. Mr. Waraich gets up at 12 noon and attains his office after breakfast at 1pm. He uses public exchequer for his own luxuries and does not pay heed to problems facing the poor people in the calamity-hit district. His manners in office are just like a Mughal Emperor. Recently, he spent millions of rupees on cultural show and fireworks in a town where people have been deprived of drinking water, irrigation water, pedestrian bridges and power supply. The town is also hit by unprecedented epidemic of children. Mr. Muhammad Amin of Garuam Chashma should know the limits of flattery.

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