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Langlands School's British principal is back in Chitral

carey At the airport, she was received by hundreds of students, parents, college staff and people from different walks of life. They were carrying placards and banners welcoming back the principal after a long absence from the institution. After taking the charge a few years ago after the departure Maj Langlands, Ms Carey carried out large-scale changes in the faculty of the college. After the expiry of her visa, however, the federal government did not renew her visa. The matter was taken up by the teachers of the college and politicians at parliament and other forum. After a long delay, the interior ministry finally issued Ms Carey a visa enabling her to return to the college. ]]>

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  1. Muhammad Irshad says

    Although Madam Schofield your kind majesty has a strong experience to give a smooth start to any structure but the most important issue you might face here, will be studying the human psychology of Chitrali people.I pray GOD to to give you a helping hand to accomplish the holy mission which you have brought with you for serving the people of a backward area of the world. Being a member of the same society, I know a little bit lacking which we saw in the school since years. Some advice, I may give to your nice honor are;
    1. The ever first thing you will have to do as your first service to the institution is to introduce some necessary reforms in the present structure of the school environment that must be intended to bring positive changes in the whole system i.e in the curricular and co- curricular activities of the school,
    2. The previous Board of Governors which was totally failed to keep a strong look at the matters of the school should be dissolved and a new committee must be set up.
    3. Traditional way of teaching must be replaced by modern methodology,
    4. Mutual understanding between the teaching staff must be restored, grouping and politic must be banned,
    5. There should be introduced a kind of strict rules or Code of Ethics and each of the teaching staff must be given a copy of it. Violation or disobeying of those mentioned rules must be penalized,
    6. Stand with your tough discipline,then you will see how the lost glory comes to the school once again.
    7. Another important thing that is expected from your kind honor is the seeking for scholarship for the needy students specially from the remotest and less privilege areas of district Chitral. In order to meet this need, you may seek assistance from foreign organizations etc.

  2. Muhammad Irshad says

    Good News for the whole Chitrali Community. Ms. Schofield, no doubt, will play more active role in giving helping hands in promoting educational environment of the said Organization. She Is smart, energetic, devoted and also possesses very nice and long experience to see the world.
    Good wishes for her!

  3. Shamsher says

    It is good to see that there are still sincere people who are giving very, very useful suggestions to Ma’am Carey, which if implemented, will go a long way, in taking the school to new heights. The issues pointed out by the general public should be in the notice of our respected madam, as we all should help her out in making this school an institution, which could be possible only if Ma’am Carey identifies the black sheeps within the school. Appreciate both Mr. Gibran and Mr. Motasim Billah. Keep it up as it is indeed a great service to the people of Chitral in general and to purge the school of the controversial characters in particular.

  4. Mottasim Billah says

    Enough has been written against the school and its environment during the last few months. Ms Schofiled remained luckey enough who has now got too much information about her school, and her staff. Thanks to the media. There is a serious issue at her school’s junior section. The respective heads of the junior sections have become controversial. There is a need to change the section heads. If possible, a more qualified lady, should be made superwiser of the three junior sections who can then give monthly progress report to the principal. Another issue with these junior section heads is thay they are never exhausted praising their respective section, which if I may say carries no weight without a third party evaluation – self praise has no recommendation. Reshuffling is also inevitable. The transfer of teachers to different sections in order to avoid internal politics will be quite fruiteful. Also, smoking by staff along with the school’s watchmen, and drivers inside the staff room should be completely banned. And if any student is caught with a cigrette should should be expelled immediately. Discussion on religion especially Sunni, Ismaili grouping among the staff as well as the students must be completely banned.

  5. Gibran says

    You can accuse Ms Carey Schofield of many things like nepotism, favoritism, violation of merit, etc during her two-year stint at the school, but you cannot accuse her of being afraid. So, it is great to see the iron lady (Carey) back in action. Congratulations!
    You won the epic battle, which without an iota of doubt is the victory of the people of Chitral. Your arrival at Chitral airport to a rousing welcome is self-explanatory that how much ordinary Chitralis adore you and respect you.
    They respect you only for one reason: UPHOLDING MERIT and NO DISCRIMINATION. There should be no compromise on merit no matter what. Giving admission to the boys of the school teachers, who score hardly three (3) marks in the admission test; retaining a teacher for being the daughter of a staff despite complaints from the parents, or forgiving a teacher who often uses abusive language against students, are some of the major issues which will certainly spoil the reputation of your school. The school means Carey Schofield – I am sure you will not put your reputation at stake for the sake of some flatterers.
    Remember one thing that there are some people who might try to blackmail you by pretending that they are going to quit. This is a trick, Ms Carey, which some of your staff, are going to apply on you in order to secure their jobs. Tell them to get out without any further delay. I bet they will beg you to retain them.
    Another important thing rather very, very IMPORTANT thing for smooth functioning of the school is: “BE CAREFUL OF FLATERERS”. Some people are trying to please you by calling you as member of their families, are in fact pretending to get your sympathies. These are the people who used to call you names for not sponsoring their children despite commitments. This is their real face, Ms Carey.
    Their claim of going into teaching as a hobby and not making a living is a WHITE LIE. Tell them to walkout if they do not need money. And you will see how they will beg you. Last but not the least, we, the people of Chitral, want Ms Carey not to compromise on discipline.
    We are optimistic rather sure that Ms Schofield would look into controversy that who misguided her for giving admission to the son of a female teacher who scored only THREE (3) marks in the admission test. Why a particular male teacher is using abusive language such as “Kameena or WICKED” against the students?

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