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  1. Imtiaz Ahmad says

    An ‘inconvenient truth’, thanks for exposing 🙂

  2. Zahoor ul Haq Danish says

    A very realistic analysis of the Digital Divide and it’s influence on our culture, society and psyche. Yes we are flowing in the enormous wave, some consciously and knowingly, while most of us unconsciously and unknowingly. Ironically enough, like the often quoted analogy of frog, we believe that we are driving the wave; actually it is the other way round: the wave is driving us. What is crucially needed is that like a clever frog we should get stuck to the log of wood which is ours, and which we are riding. Doing so we, surely, will stay safe. Let the rest of the frogs take care of themselves! 🙂

  3. Sher Wali Khan Aseer says

    A very good study of the modern life, especially of those living in the world of social media. I also some time feel it a hallow imaginary life with deceptive outer covering. If we blend our courage with reality to exhibit our true picture then the social media shall be more helpful in providing solutions to our numerous issues of the modern life.

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