I am bleeding, please rescue me
The whole purpose behind this idea was that the common people can convey their issues and complaints to this system, As a result, people can get spontaneous relief. The citizens were given the options to send and convey their complaints through letters and parcels, emails, telephone, fax, personal appearance and other means of communications. According to the CM complaint and redressal cell’s chairman Dilroze Khan, after receiving the complaints they are divided into categ0ry A, B and C. The category A complaints are solved in five minutes to 48 hours. They are related with the registration of FIRs, admission in hospitals and transfer of properties etc. The category B complaints are included among those related to corruption such as bribes or illegal occupation of properties. Similarly, the category C complaints are evidence based in which the cases of corruption against government officers and they are either referred to the provincial anti-corruption establishment or NAB.
My personal experience related with the lodging of complaint is very disappointing. I filed a complaint using this forum in which I addressed a very serious and sensitive issue but the feedback on their part is just like snail pace.They have allotted me a tracking code (nine digits) to track and know the current status of my complaint but it is still in pending.
Through your esteemed newspaper, I am addressing Imran Khan, CM Pervaiz Khattak and Dilroze Khan where is your categorization policy?????It is just like that if there is an road accident as a result people get injured, many are having minor injuries and at the same time some of them are having severe bleeding. So the latter party should be given all the attention and medical aid in order to rescue and save their lives, same is the case with my complaint. I am bleeding and there is no one to rescue me. My complaint meets and fullfil all the three categories. The PTI government has delivered in the health and education sector in a very brief time, therefore the credit must go to them. At the same time, these kinds of shortcomings are damaging the great cause and philosophy of Imran Khan. I hope they will fix it immediately.
Sarwar Kamal