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Leadership management training for community activists concludes

Group District Naib Nazim Maulana Abdus Shakur was chief guest at the the certificate distribution ceremony. Speaking on the occasion, Maulana Abdus Shakur said the district government was keen in supporting community organizations. He said there should not be any kind of ad hoc approach in development rather all the interventions, either soft component of hard component, should have sustainability mechanism. He added that CDLD policy was being implemented by the district government, therefore, we would have sharp eyes on all its interventions to ensure sustainability. He urged the community activists to make their CBOs more active and functional. The naib nazim promsied full support from the district government. DPM-CDLD Munir Syed briefed the participants about the CDLD policy and the importance of CBOs in the implementation. Representing the trainees, Zahid Hussain thanked SRSP for arranging such productive training and added that lot of thing learned in these four days. The programme was also attended by Sher Hakim, Admin Officer, and K.A.Jamil, HR manager. ]]>

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