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No hepatitis vaccines in Chitral

CHITRAL: It is extremely perturbing that Hepatitis vaccine which is a prerequisite for the prevention against one of the serious contagious diseases is not available in Chitral for the last seven months. Health officials at the DHQ Hospital Chitral try to pacify patients through lame excuses and hepatitis patients face life risk amid carelessness on the part of health officials at district and provincial level. We have requested the health officials for early requisition of hepatitis vaccine in Chitral but all the time they say that the problem has been created at the provincial level and the unavailability of the vaccine is the fault of the provincial health officials. Whoever is responsible for this situation, hepatitis patients are at the face of a life risk. As a last resort we request Chief Minister Pervez Khatak, Health Minister, Secretary Health, and Director General Health and other responsible officials to take notice of the issue and ensure availability of Hepatitis vaccine in Chitral without further delay. Otherwise this contagious disease will result endemic life situation in the district. Laltaj Alam Village Jughore]]>

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