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Telenor fleecing mobile users in Chitral

CHITRAL, March 30: The Chitral franchise office of Telenor Pakistan is charging 100 percent extra amount for biometric verification of SIM, complained customers here. The customers also complained of the indecent behavior of the dealing staff and said they did not pay heed to the customers and when one wants to draw their attention, they resort to using harsh words. 

They said that in utter violation of the decision of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to charge 10 rupees for biometric verification, they are charging Rs.20 and they turned harsh when someone tries to remind them of the fixed fee.

Requesting not to be named, a medical doctor, said that he left the customer service office seeing the rude behaviour of the staff and got it from a private outlet while he was badly shocked to see the customers being humiliated. Both the allegations of overcharging for biometric verification and ill treatment of customers proved to be true when this correspondent visited the office in the pretext of getting his SIM verified.

Two salesmen sitting the counter were found gossiping with each other totally ignoring the customers standing in front of them while they were also found charging 20 rupees for the SIM verification. The salesmen talked rudely to the customers during the course while one of the customers was subjected to ridicule as well. When the manager, sitting in another adjacent room, was contacted by this correspondent to know his version, he first insisted that the verification charge was 20 but had to retract when it was insisted to produce the written order of the PTA.

When his attention was drawn towards the complaint of misbehviour with customers, he called all the three salesmen to his office and rebuked them saying that he was repeatedly receiving the complaints from the customers. He came to remind them that ‘customer is our king’ and ‘customer is always right’ but the salesmen were daring enough to have arguments with him.

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