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Booni residents oppose stadium in Qaqlasht

BOONI, Feb 10: The people of Booni have opposed the PTI-led provincial government to establish a stadium at Qaqlasht.

Talking to ChitralToday, the residents of the area said that the construction of the stadium in Qaqlasht would destroy the natural beauty of the plateau. They said that being quite far-off from the populated areas, only an annual festival was arranged in Qaqlasht and the establishment of a stadium there would be of no utility for the youth.

Besides, there is also the shortage of drinking water and other facilities in the hilly area. Instead, they added, the stadium should be built at the Gahli ground adjacent to the Booni town where at present all the sports activities are mostly held.—S.N. Peerzada

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  1. sadru says

    Boys, wait & see.

  2. Obaid Ullah says

    @ Booni Zom, haha I was wondering if the people you were mentioning are ‘Magarmachs’ than you might find Dinosaurs within Booni. The Dinosaurs of Booni have constructed bridges, roads and others projects only on papers and got advance cash for their projects.
    Coming to the point i think you have mentioned ‘charagah’ while when the people of ‘Junali Koch’ were ruined by the river they were not allowed to built even temporary houses in that area of Qaqlasht mentioning that it was a government property. You say it is your ‘charagah’. I remember some of the of the land owners in our area mentioning like that the ‘falana Gol’ was his family’s hunting ground and then I used to tell them if it was your family hunting ground why don’t you go hunting and then they used to say that its a government property now. So my friend whatever your name is, this project is meaningful we need it.

  3. Boni Zom says

    PTI Chitral k chand Magarmach Parvez Khatak k sath mil kar Awami Charagah Qaqlasht ko bej khane k mansobe bana rahe hen. Awam is sazish ko kabi b kamyab hone nehi denge.

  4. Aftab Alam says

    Qaqlasht has no utility unless properly developed and construction of a planned city in Chitral is the need of the day. We should not allow this important project to get politicized and become hijacked in the hands of the politicians. We appreciate the initiate of PTI government and will have to now wait and see if the CM can visit Qaqlasht in April for its inauguration.

  5. Hameed Khan says

    I believe the idea is to establish a planned city in Kaghlasht which would include Stadium and other related facilities for the public. We should support the PTI led plan to utilize Kaqlasht as in the years to come the shortage of land will be biggest problem. We should all support this because its a government property in the records and utilizing it would be in the public interest where apart from housing facilities , employment opportunities will be provided to the public. The PTI leadership comprising of Mr Ghazi had met the Chief Minister and invited him to the Qaqlasht festival to make this announcement formally. Regarding the establishment of playgrounds, the PTI had planned to establish grounds at every Union Councill.

  6. Ali Raza says

    Kaghlasht is prominent because of it’s natural beauty. Any formal cement building/stadium will destroy this beauty like the museum has destroyed Chitral polo ground’s beauty. There are enough tents and shamianas etc these days for use on annual festival day. Otherwise let Kaghlasht maintain it’s pure and natural form. If govt wants to invest in there, it should bring water to Kaghlasht, not build stadium there.

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