CHITRAL, Jan 17: An old woman, Pacha Begum, of Denin Gologh village has demanded of the superior judiciary and the government to help her retrieve her landed property which her cousins have usurped. She said she had been homeless and wandering from pillar to post. Addressing a press conference here, she said she had no brother and sister and was the only heir to the landed property of her father in Chumurkhon village but her cousins Khadim Hussain, Anwar and Sakhi Khan evicted her from the house after the death of her father. She said her father had bequeathed all the landed property of four and half acres to her during his lifetime but her cousins did not give her an inch of it. “To my utter bad luck, my husband did not inherit any landed property from his father as a result of which we have passed more than seventy years of our married life in wilderness and I dread the same future for my two sons”, she said. “We, the family of eight, live in a house of only one room and in this chilly winter season, I am forced to sleep in the verandah of the house but my cousins did not take pity of my plight. They turned down my humble request when I beseech them to give me a small piece of land for construction of a home for my sons. This is my only dream at the age of my eighty years to live in a house of more than one rooms”, she said wiping her tears. She said that no person in this land ever came forward to help her while her husband and sons have no courage to challenge the influential usurpers.]]>