AKF adviser visits BLSO office
BOONI, Jan 3: Syed Jalal Uddin Shah, the regional adviser Aga Khan Foundation Geneva, visited the BLS office along with other officials here on Saturday. Mr Darjat Ali, the director of the AKRSP PD project, and Fazle Malik, the manager ELY Chitral ID section, also accompanied the AKF adviser. The purpose of the visit was to discuss ways and means to enable the BLSO to stand on its feet and work for the community development by launching projects such as electricity generation in the area. R Darjat said that they had received a number of proposals regarding the establishment of powerhouses and it was the responsibility of the BLSO to prioritize their power generating projects.—Muhkam Uddin Sirang]]>
Its called PEDO project ( KPK-provincial government’s funding ) being implemented by the communities and AKRSP. And my name is Muhammad Darjat