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Parental role in behavioural development of adolescents discussed

PRESS RELEASE Garam Chashma Area Development Organization (GADO) is the Local Support Organization (LSO) of Garam Chashma empowering communities especially targeting the youth and adolescents of the area. The Mountain Adolescents and Youth Network is an initiative of Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) in collaboration with Plan Pakistan to cater the physio-psychological needs of early Adolescents, middle Adolescents and Late Adolescents of Gilgit Baltistan & Chitral (GBC) as an extension of Adolescence and Early Youth Development Project (A/EYDP) or Reproductive Health Initiative with Adolescents(RHIA). The prime objective of this network is to link up the real issues of youth who are said to be engulfed with massive hormonal, cognitive and emotional changing dynamics and susceptible to multiple sorts of “Risk Factor Behavior” ; who, if not properly educated, destined, vulnerable to various kinds of physical, mental, emotional and social catastrophes. MAYN members under the supervision of GADO conducted one day session in Pamir Hall Garam Chashma where different stakeholders participated in the program. The program started with the recitation of Holy verses. Mr. Amir Wali Khan Chairman GADO welcomed the guests. Mr. Syed Altaf Ali Shah, Social Mobilizer RHIA project briefly discussed the objectives of the program. He further elaborates the challenges and future plan of RHIA project. MAYN group delivered its comprehensive presentation about the activities, achievements, challenges and future plan of MAYN group within two years. In their demands they also request the Government and NGO authorities to financially support them to make the group sustainable. Theatre was also presented by the adolescent group presenting gender discrimination and its result in our society. Among them Mr. Muhammad Wazir, Chairman CCDN was presiding as chief guest and Mr. Fazal Hamid, President Local Council Garam Chashma, presided the session. Chairman CCDN discussed the importance of parental role in the cognitive and behavioral development of adolescents. He emphasized for visionary development of the youth. He also gave examples of different high achievers of chitral and their parents role in making them high achievers. President Local Council Garam Chashma appreciated the program and put light on the holistic development of adolescents. SHO Mr. Sajjad Hussain , Commandant Chitral Scout, Chairman GADO, Mr. Amir Wali Khan, Chairman ITREB, Mr. Wakil, Manager FMF Bank, Mr. Sher Ahmad, President Driver Union, Mr. Rehmat Gul and the notables of Garam Chashma participated in the program. At the end of the session Manager GADO, Mr. Fardad Ali Shah thanked all the honorable guests participated in the session.–Fardad Ali Shah (Manager GADO)]]>

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