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Bronze medal awarded to Chitrali student

Mr. Ziaul Haq, S/O Khadim Hussain, from village Damik, Tehsil Drosh, secured a bronze medal in his BS Computer Science exam from the Comsats University Islamabad, says a press release.

In the 66th convocation of Comsats Unviersity held in Convention Centre Islamabad, he received the medal and degree from Chairman Higher Education commission. Mr.Zia has a shining history of excellent academics having A+ grade throughout his educational career, team leadership and community involvement.

He admitted the key roles of parents and teacher for his success. He admired the roles of teachers who played significant role in his early education i-e Mr. Zafar Maktab School Damik, Mr. Sultan Medal School Jingerate and Mr. Sardal Arsalan Pak Turk International School Islamabad

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