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Stones fallen by Markhors kill mother of four

ISLAMABAD, Sept 18: A mother of four children was killed after  stones fallen by a herd of Markhors hit her in the head in the Boryough village of the Garam Chashma valley. Mr Amir Ali, the younger brother of the deceased woman, told ChitralToday on phone on Thursday evening that his village, where the incident occurred a couple of days ago, was located on the foot of a mountain that fell in the Toshi conservancy. byouriLast year, Mr Ali added, the residents of the 25 houses of the village approached the district forest officer (wildlife) after similar incidents of falling stones hit three women. One of the women was operated upon for her leg injuries in a Rawalpindi hospital but she is still unable to walk. He said the DFO had promised that barbed wires would be installed to protect the village from the falling stones and boulders as the population of the wildlife, especially Markhor, increased in the area. However, so far, the department has not fulfilled the promise which led to the killing of his sister. He said the lives of the villagers were at risk and more such incident would occur if the department did not take steps to protect the village on a priority basis. Also read here about this incident:]]>

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