PTI's education emergency and the plight of Chitral's female students
After assuming power in KP, the PTI government announced an education emergency in the province. Under the slogan, a number of reform packages have been announced to improve literacy rate and standard of education. However, since the announcement of the reforms no visible sign of change has been witnessed and the system is functioning under the same traditional pattern which was in practice before the PTI came to power in the province. But through the introduction of a monitoring system in the secondary education department, the issue of teachers’ absenteeism has been reduced up to some extent. Towards the higher education and colleges section, the PTI government has given no visible attention for the purpose of qualitative improvement. Under-staffing is still a big problem both in boys and girls colleges’ which has not been addressed or pinpointed either by political representatives or the PTI government in KP which must have clear vision for education. There are two boys and two government girls’ colleges in Booni and Chitral which are imparting education to the students of the whole district consisting of than 0.4 million population. The problem is that population of Chitral increased manifold within the short span of time which directly impacted the college enrolment but the facilities available in all the government boys and girls’ colleges have not been upgraded in line with the increasing enrolment which seriously disturbed teaching learning atmosphere in the institutions. In case of the Government Girls Degree College Chitral, there is only one sanctioned post for each of all the compulsory subjects for more than 1,400 students. According to the standard procedure, the teacher-student ratio should 1:40 but in Chitral the ratio is 1:200 which reflects the pathetic situation and also results in crowded classes and low teaching and learning process at the classroom level. The same situation is also persisting in case of (Boys) Degree College Chitral where sanctioned posts have not been increased but the student enrolment increased from just 50 in 1969, when the college was established, to 2,500 in the year 2014. If teaching faculty has not been provided residence in the same area where the institute exists then process of teaching will not be ensured in a proper manner. It is surprising to mention here that Government Girls College Chitral has no official bungalows for teaching staff, if teachers are not being provided with residential facility especially in case female teachers, how can they perform their duty effectively and efficiently. There are three bungalows attached with the college building which are occupied by doctors in spite of having separate doctors’ colony at Singoor. Provision of official residence is basic right of the teaching faculty in case of colleges in Chitral, which has not been addressed neither by political representatives nor department itself so far, which also negatively impacted the whole process of teaching and learning, as if teachers are not being facilitated how they can teach in proper manner. With the above facts and figures it is humbly requested to concern authorities, political leaders of Chitral and especially Chief Minister KP to pass immediate order for resolving following problems faced by government colleges in Chitral. 1. Problem of under-staffing should be addressed on immediate basis and there should be staff according to the standard procedure that is one teacher for forty students (1:40). Sanctioned posts especially in case of Girls Degree College Chitral should be increased according to the strength of the students. There is too much pressure of students on this college for admission and proper system of staff and infrastructure should be improved in the colleges for growing enrolment by increasing sanctioned posts in commensurate with growing enrolment. 2. All the vacant posts in the college should be fulfilled without further lose of time, as new session in the colleges has already been started and precious time of students should not be wasted due to existence of vacant posts. KP government selection of teachers in schools and colleges through NTS and ETEA is highly appreciable, and the “Teachers Assistant” selected through ETEA may kindly be posted against the vacant posts in all the government colleges on immediate basis. 3. Problem of official accommodation of the teaching faculty should be resolved on immediate by constructing separate bungalow for the teaching staff. In Girls college Chitral lack of residence for teaching staff is the biggest problem which causes inconvenience for the teachers and negatively impact teaching and learning atmosphere in the institutions. The three bungalows attached with the college building should be given to the staffs of Girls College Chitral immediately which are occupied by doctors, and the doctors should be shifted to Doctors colony Singoor. In future separate residential colony should be constructed for the Teaching Faculty of Girls Degree College according to their strength, without further lose of time. 4. KP government already announced Education Emergency in the province, if the above mentioned problems resolved it will result quality improvement in Higher Education which is regarded as backbone for economic development.]]>
In Girls college Chitral lack of residence for teaching staff is the biggest problem which causes inconvenience for the teachers and negatively impact teaching and learning atmosphere in the institutions. The three bungalows attached with the college building should be given to the staffs of Girls College Chitral immediately which are occupied by doctors, and the doctors should be shifted to Doctors colony Singoor. In order to resolve this we appeal to our MNA and MPA,s to settle this important issue as soon as possible.
Imad bai Torlhowechi varow lachai asus.Ispa MPA,s MNA thai naiki kia. Haitan korum PTC teacheranan va Chawkedaran bdali korik. Hamit Qaumo sum mazaq konian.
Dear Imad.
You have underline a very important issue.You will be surprise to know that the Government Girls Degree College Booni is running without a principal from the establishment of the college and at this moment. And it also reflects the malfunction of our political representatives. They are not even fit to become a councilor, but we have selected them our representatives. Who will hold responsible of this blunder, representatives or community? In future keeping in view of all these aspect nominates your political representatives. Otherwise we will face these issues throughout our life.
Mr. Imad highlighted very important issue which is faced by students both in town and rural areas of district Chitral. In case of girls college booni there should be sanctioned posts according to the enrolment of the students, and the same procedure should be followed both at Girls College Chitral and Boys College Chitral. The problem which is specially concern with the colleges in Chitral town is that majority of people are migrating towards town from remote areas of Chitral which causes rapid increase in population of town area. Increase in population directly result increase in enrolment of educational institutions. In the year 1969 boys degree college was established. at that time enrolment in the college was approximately 50-60 but now enrolment has increased to the level of 2500 but the posts sanctioned in 1969 are still in the same number. The same situation exists with college infrastructure. For increased enrolment class rooms and other facilities have not been improved since 1969. Political leaderships of the areas must be sensitive about the matter by visiting the institutions which are playing dominant role in educating youth of the area. Both sanctioned posts as well as other infrastructure like class rooms and other facilities should be provided in these institutions for increasing enrolment. If we ignore our youth it will be serious lose of the nation. Colleges are the institutions which are directly playing role in educating youth. KP government should appoint Teachers Assistants in the respective colleges without delay, as new academic session in colleges already started.
I has become a big issue that all the school as well college teachers prefer town areas.If all are appointed in town colleges then what what will be of the schools and colleges in other areas?As in present the students of girls degree college booni chitral are suffering a lot. There is no lecturer for history,computer science,physics,zoology,political science,arabic ,islamiat,statistics,economics,law, psycology, and pakistan studies.Request to the PTI government and to the higher education is to look into the matter and save the problem as soon as possible.
Government should pay or increase the rental benefits to its employees so they could pay their rent. It is not possible for government to construct residential complexes for all employees. There are thousands of non local employees in chitral and boni town they all facing same problems. Through the increase in rental increments not only solve employee s housing problems but also helps economy as it will boosts construction business.
Employees specially teachers should be posted to their near by school and colleges. I don’t know why every single teacher wanted to be transferred to chitral town even though there are colleges and schools exits in their local area.
I am fully agree with sister Sana Ali that teaching staff should be increased as soon as possible. There are thousands of well qualified candidate at chitral town. Government should hire them on contract basis to resolve this issue till they qualify their commission exam. By hiring locally the residential issues will also be solved.
Thank you Mr Imad for selecting important issue. All government colleges in chitral are facing staff problems but girls degree college is on top. There are only eight lecturers for above eight hundred students. Presently the college is running without principal. The government high-ups and representatives must take serious notice of the situation as it is the only government institution for girls of upper chitral.