CHITRAL, Aug 12: A flying coach coming to Chitral from Peshawar was looted at Ibrahim Kalay in Charsadda by four masked armed men on Monday evening. The bandits looted cash, mobile phone sets and other valuable items from the 18 passengers and escaped. The passengers reaching here on Tuesday said the robbers also subjected them to physical torture before looting them and thrashed some of the passengers who had smaller amount of cash with them. A former naib tehsil nazim Haji Khosh Muhammad said that one of the passengers was Aman Khan returning from Saudi Arabia who lost Rs500,000 cash and all the gifts he was carrying to his relatives. Himself surrendering Rs75,000 to the looters, he said that they did not left even a penny with the passengers to take a cup of tea during the rest of the journey extending to fourteen hours. He said that the incident was second of its kind during the last one month in which the Chitral-bound flying coach was looted at Charsadda.–Zahiruddin]]>