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Bumburate households get electricity

CHITRAL, May 17: In an unprecedented development in their life, the 950 households of the entire Bamboret valley got electricity during the Chilimjusht-the spring festival of Kalash people. IMG_1061A 300 killowatt electricity project, which was completed by the Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) under European Union’s peace project, was added to the power capacity of the valley at a ceremony in Bamboret. Member National Assembly Iftikharuddin, Denis Cassad of French Foreign Aid, officials of Chitral Scouts and district administration, local elite and community members attended the ceremony. The community members cried with joy when the power button was switched on. Speaking on the occasion, Chief Executive Officer of SRSP Masoodul Mulk said the electricity would not only meet the requirements of the locals but it would also be sold to the hotels in the valley. “A social fund would be established out of the income received from the hotel, which the community members would spend on their own development,” he added. The CEO said they had been working on several hydro power projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under the EU peace project. “This project was completed on war-footing to give a gift to the Kalash valley people on their festival,” he added.A powerhouse producing 200 kilowatts of electricity was built by the SRSP in the Bamboret with the help of AusAid last year. A unit producing 50 kilowatts was commissioned a year ago. The French aid official said he was happy to see a project had been completed which would have a great impact in changing the life of the local people.“The best part of the project is that the community own, run and care it,” he added. “It is an unbelievable development. We enjoy and celebrate the Chilimjusht without any fear,” said a Kalash woman.MNA Iftikharuddin thanked the EU and SRSP for launching such vital projects in far-off areas.“Chitral is a peaceful area and the people have an urge for development,” he added. The hotel owners in the valley were also happy with the availability of electricity. “It’s good for our business. Such initiatives are a must to promote tourism,” said Mohammad Khan, a small hotel owner. “I used to visit this area every year but this time has a unique feature because of the uninterrupted power supply,” said a tourist, Ali Jibran from Islamabad as he voiced happiness at the facility.–The News (photo by Zaheer Uddin).]]>

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