Hard times for Chitrali passengers
DROSH, March 30: The passengers from Chitral are facing lost of problems at the Peshawar bus terminal. The manager of terminal calls the Chitral-bound passengers at 9pm who after departing the city reach Lowari Tunnel at 6am the next day. Then the passengers have to wait for the opening of the tunnel in the afternoon during a severe cold weather. The first and fundamental mistake of the terminal manager is that he has not changed the departure timing of the wagons for Chitral keeping in view the closure of the tunnel and as a result the people of Chitral have to endure long hours wait under the open sky at the Lowari. There are always a large number of woman, elderly men and patients traveling to Chitral who are forced to wait for over 10 hours in front of the tunnel. The people of Chital have requested to the DC chitral and other concerned authorities to take notice of the inhuman treatment being meted out to the Chitrali passengers. Once the Chitralis had also heard that those having access to the high authorities are allowed to cross the tunnel without waiting for a minutes but the poor people have to stop and forced to wait. The people of Chital hope that the DC Chitral and other high authorities will take steps to end this injustice with the Chitrali passengers.—Abbas Hussain ]]>