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Is anyone looking after this road?

CHITRAL, March 22: The main Peshawar-Chitral road, especially between the Chitral town and Drosh, is in a pathetic condition due to falling of heavy boulders, land and mud sliding. road copyWhile travelling from Chitral to Drosh one can witness the negligence of NHA and the laxity of the Drosh administration as well. During the recent continues heavy rains, almost all the roads inside the district were badly affected. Chitral-Peshawar, road a heavy transported route connecting the district with the rest of country, also affected badly but the local administration could not give attention towards removing the boulders and other fragments. On the very first day of the current week, local people removed stones from the road and made if functional but removal of the large boulders need machineries. The National Highway Authority and local administration have showed deliberate negligence in this respect.  ]]>

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