Govt asked to forcibly respond to TTP threat
ISLAMABAD, Feb 16: The PPP human rights cell has urged the government to respond forcefully to the threats given to the Kalash and the Ismaili community of Chitral by the TTP and to take every step to protect the valley from the Taliban incursions.
Dr Nafisa Shah, Central Coordinator of the PPP Human Rights Cell, said: “This threat of attack must be deemed a threat to Pakistan, and core values in Pakistan’s constitution which ensures protection of its citizens particularly the religious minorities. It is the government’s responsibility to protect life and property of citizens – the threat on an entire community which is already vulnerable is a grave matter” she stated.
Dr Nafisa Shah further added that it was also surprising that despite repeated bloody attacks in all the major urban centres by the Taliban and their proxies, the government was continuing talks as if it was business as usual. It seems that in the eyes of the ruling elite the blood of the citizens is cheap and that the government has no counterterrorism strategy to protect the 180million people of Pakistan, the Human Rights Cell Coordinator added.
The PPP Human Rights cell also criticized the electronic media for glamourising Taliban apologists and those representing their viewpoint and for providing them with space to rationalize their evil war against the country and its citizens stating that this was an insult to the thousands of our people who had lost their lives to terrorism.]]>