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Chitralis hold environment walk in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, Feb 8: A large number of Chitralis, including students, living in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad took part in an environment awareness raising walk at Shakarparian here on Saturday afternoon. 

The programme was organized by the Chitral Environment and Heritage Protection Society (CHEPS) as part its campaign to preserve environment. Those who spoke on the occasion included CHEPS chairman Rehmat Ali Jaffar Dost, Shamsiyar Khan, Israruddin, Mehboobur Rehman and Sajjad Ali.

Three children were on the occasion given “Student Change Agent Award” for persistently attending the CHEPS environment awareness campaigns. They were Nusrat Shaheen, Shafiqa Karam and Zeelan. CHEPS chairman Rehmat Ali said that if timely steps were not taken against the rapidly changing climate changes, Chitral would be at the verge of devastation and its impact would be felt in whole country.

He said his organization had been working to create awareness among the people of Chitral about their responsibilities towards preservation of environment. In this regard, students and the media have been in the forefront often campaign. He said though the government allocated huge funds for tree plantation every year but there were no measures to protect and maintain the saplings.

He added that the timber mafia had been active in the deforestation in Chitral which affected the overall environment.

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1 Comment
  1. Shah Karez says

    Well done brave Chitralis, safeguarded Chitral is ultimately safeguarded Pakistan.

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