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Why don't we mind our own business?

Today we were debating a controversial issue. The discussion was about something like this: We usually debate things like the life code of different people, especially actors, their dress code, especially those of actresses. We, especially the typical Muslims, sometimes blame them and sometimes label them with the title of non-believers. It’s not only limited to this area, sometimes we even blame the people of our own circle and society. We point out that this person does this or that. The targeted person is usually female. Sometimes, when I hear such kind of statements I feel ashamed, sometimes I become angry while on other times I usually laugh it out. When it comes to males whatever he does is legal and justifiable while we pin out small acts of the opposite gender. It really looks awkward when I hear such kind of statements. Today, we were debating the issue of an actress, Mathira. One of my friends was seeing her photos and showed us her pictures. Then another friend, a typical minded, said she should be hanged as she lives in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. One of the friends said she is an actress, and she is free to do whatever she wants. Then I entered into the discussion. I was also in the favor of the latter. But they were of the view that she lives in an Islamic state, so she should be hanged. It was totally a mess. She is an actress, she belongs to an industry and it’s up to her what kind of photo shoots she performs. Their point of hanging her seemed ridiculous to me. Here a question arises why I am in favor of the latter friend’s point of view. There are lots of illegal things which are taking place every day. Every day, a large number of cases of illegal things, rape, prostitution, drugs etc are reported, while most of them  go unnoticed. When we investigate such things, the outcome become unbelievable. Those people who claim themselves to be the contractors of Islam and Islamic ideologies are usually involved in such kinds of illegal acts. They consider themselves as the iconoclast of bad things. But, in reality, they can be proved as the monsters of society. They justify their own acts, saying that they are male, while when it comes to the issue of a female, they issue  “Fatwa” against them. They sometimes quote a Hadees, and at the same time hide some of its part(s) and giving you the part of the Hadees which suits them and protects their own needs. I am not in favor or against the act of any actor or actress, or any individual, but what I want to say is first of all we should polish ourselves. We should purify ourselves before pointing out the faults of others. We haven’t been given the authority to label someone with the tile of believer or non-believer. And according to hadees and the Holy Quran we will not be asked about the deeds of others, rather we will be accountable about our own deeds. The writer is student at the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).]]>

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1 Comment
  1. Bilal Ahmad, IIUI says

    This is apropos of the opinion piece by Mr. Ihtisham Ur Rehman entitled ‘Why don’t we mind our own business?’ We are the citizens of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the country was acquired after millions of people sacrificed their lives for just one reason and that was Islam. We all know about the slogan of Pakistan Movement “Pakistan ka Matlab Kya.” It’s our misfortune that Islamic system has not been fully implemented in this land but people, parties and different movements are still striving for this cause in one way or the other.
    All these have a dream to see Pakistan flourishing through the implementation of Shariah. Now a mid such groups their arises actress like Mathira whose vulgar shows and photos shots are shown in the media which the Muslims cannot tolerate because they have an affection with the Islamic system of Pardah and it has been made compulsory on Muslim women. Mathira has crossed the limits of film and fashion Industry also because even in the western countries there are censure boards which take notice of such vulgar things but in Islamic republic of Pakistan everyone in the government is silent therefore let these people at least speak against Mathira otherwise the other option left for them is force . Secondly, my friend comment ‘Those people who claim themselves to be the contractors of Islam and Islamic ideologies are usually involved in such kinds of illegal acts’ is totally baseless and confined to few people and this cannot be applied to every religious party and movement.
    Bilal Ahmad
    International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).

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