Stranded, angry with politicians, Chitralis pray for Musharraf
ISLAMABAD, Jan 4: The treason trial of former President Gen Pervez Musharraf and his recent heart problem has sent shock waves among the people of Chitral – the only constituency in the country fully supportive of the former military strongman.
A relatively unimportant mountainous district for most of the other political parties, the popularity of the former president is premised on his completing the Lowari tunnel that opened Chitral to the rest of the country even during the harsh and long winter months.
ChitralToday spoke to a number of people belonging to different walks of life who expressed anger over what they called the maltreatment of Pervez Musharraf. They warned Nawaz Sharif to learn from his past mistakes.
Dr Inayatullah Faizi, a renowned analyst who had opposed Gen Musharraf when he announced to contest May 11, 2013, general elections from Chitral, confessed that Musharraf was emerging as a hero not only in Chitral but also throughout the province because of his unjust trial under Article 6.
Dr Faizi contended that the trial of Musharrf for promulgation of emergency on November 3, 2007, was a vendetta which would strengthen the former military strongman. He added that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto imposed emergency five times during his five-year rule while emergency remained in place throughout 11-year dictatorial regime of Gen Ziaul Haq. “How can you try Musharraf for treason and imposition of emergency, which he did as president and chief of army staff…this will certainly benefit Musharraf and increase his popularity and that’s it,” he maintained.
According to Dr Faizi, the anxiety of people has increased to such an extent that people belonging to both Ismaili and Sunni communities have started praying in mosques and jamatkhanas for honourable acquittal of Gen Musharraf.
“Yes this is the level of his [Musharraf] popularity. The pathetic performance of the previous PPP government, which has become even worse during the current PML-N government, is also the reason Musharraf has emerged as a hero,” he lamented.
People with diverse background in Chitral also came up with similar views when asked to comment on the trial of Musharraf, saying we need a man who can treat the citizens equally. They accused former prime minister Gilani of diverting the Lowari tunnel funds to Multan, bringing the work at the tunnel to a standstill. Raja Pervez Asharf was also accused of shifting funds earmarked for the tunnel to Gujar Khan.
Renowned social figure of Booni, Azal Ali also stated that he prays for the recover of Pervez Musharf and his honourable acquittal.
Mr Ali, who is currently in Karachi, spoke to ChitralToday on phone and showed optimism that Musharraf would rise again and rule the country like he did in the past. When asked wasn’t it surprising for him to support Musharraf despite his association with the PPP, he came with a lovely reply: “I’m an apolitical person…I’ve no association with any party.”
He added: “Zulfikar Ali Bhutto invited me to join his party [PPP] and Nawaz Sharif offered me a provincial assembly ticket in 1997 but even then I support Gen Musharraf as he is an honest person and he delivered during his rule, which we cannot ignore.”
According to Rehamt Ali Shah, a government employee in Booni, the trial of Musharraf has brought pain, anxiety and anguish to people of Chitral, especially those associated with the army. “I’ll never compare Musharraf with these political hooligans,” he said.
He stated that the construction of the Lowari tunnel was not a small thing which could be so easily forgotten by Chitralis. “We, the people of Chitral, are ready to die for Musharraf…I want to ask these politicians what have they done for us except their rhetoric of democracy. We need development which we witnessed only in Musharrf government,” he added in an emotional tone.
Haji Muhammd Yousuf from Ochusht village in Chitral town, who is a staunch supporter of Jamaat-e-Islami, stated that the trial was nothing but a part of a political game. “Our memory is too short and people who talk tall must not forget their humiliation at the hands of Pashtoons due to closure of the Lowari pass,” he added.
Rehana Chitrali, a teacher and a social activist, while expressing her anger and shock said: “Declaring Musharraf a traitor is a direct attack on the Pakistan army not by our enemies but the real traitors [politicians] present among us.”