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Alleged drug peddler held

DROSH, Oct 25: The Drosh police recovered 1,250 grams of charas and arrested the alleged drug trafficker.

The police said that SHO Mubarak Khan was on a routine patrolling when he stopped a suspected vehicle at Kalkatak. During search of the vehicle, the contraband was recovered form the alleged drug peddler.

The police arrested the vehicle driver, Ahmad Hussain, a resident of Drosh, and lodged an FIR against him.

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  1. Noor says

    It’s a humiliating practice by police to issue such photos to the media. The person did a crime and he should be punished accordingly. Is will cause harassment to his kids and family members which is a clear violation of human rights. Media should also consider its role as well.

  2. Imtiaz Baig says

    Hami polucanan sharam no gikot aferin la e mosho 250 grm charas jipo pechiko sora dosi hani group bit photo nezinian. Lagta hai koi aur kam nehi in k pass. Hamosh policanan sawatot u drelik na.

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