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Annual parents day held at Pamir Public School

GARAM CHASHMA, Oct 8: The annual parents day was held at the self-help community based Pamir Public School and College Garam Chashma on Tuesday to award prizes and certificates of achievements to deserving students.
The largely attended function was held on the picturesque lawn of the institution which was packed to capacity. MPA Bibi Fozia, who had consented to be the chief guest, could not make it as she was called to Peshawar by the chief minister for an urgent meeting. District Vice President of PTI Mr. Razitubillah who deputized for the MPA addressed the function. He explained PTI policies on health, education and local bodies. He lauded the role of community-based institutions in imparting quality education at affordable cost. He announced a donation of Rs10,000 for the scholarship programme of the school.
In his annual report, Principal of the School Mr. Islamuddin updated the audience about the progress of the school. He informed them that the school has successfully intervened in Parabeg valley with a primary school and state of the art ECD center in the town with the help of donors from UK and Canada. He outlined plans for more interventions and expansion schemes for the Pamir system in the years ahead. He thanked Hashoo Foundation for their support to the School by the way of scholarship for deserving students. He urged for creating a learning community without which quality education would remain a dream.
The function ended with distribution of prizes and certificates among achievers. Wing Commander (retired) Fardad Ali Shah announced Rs15,000 for the achievers of the school.

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