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Rally seeks promotion of education in Kalash valleys

KALASH, April 22: To increase enrollment ratio in the government primary schools of Kalash valleys, a rally was organized by the education department and Alif Ailaan (Transforming Education Pakistan).

Students from government high school Mumuret (Bumborate) and primary schools participated in the rally. They were carrying banners and placards inscribed with the messages asking parents to enroll their children in schools and the people at large to vote for education. There was also a message for politicians: “Give us education, take a vote.’’

The rally started from government high school at Brun Mumuret and passed through various villages and after covering more than three kolometres area. The students were also chanting slogans in favor of education. Address the rally, Wazir, the headmaster of govt. high school Mumuret, said ‘’the school has shortage of rooms and there are more than 600 students enrolled for middle and high classes.” He said it is the only high school for three Kalasha valleys and is providing co-education facilities.

Addressing teachers and students, Luke Rehmat, the district network coordinator Alif Ailaan, said Pakistan is facing hard time due to low enrollment rates and lack of education facilities. He said 25 million children were out of schools in Pakistan and the drop-out rate was so high. He emphasized to enroll as many students as possible and also urged students ask their parents, friends to vote for education to make education number one priority in Pakistan.

Due to lack of facilities in state own schools students and teachers are facing hardship. He said one can imagine by visiting the only high school in Mumuret that it is ranked second in terms of the number of students after government centennial school of Chitral town. There are above 80 students in a classroom and how it would be possible for a teacher to impart quality of education to students.  

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