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Education minister did BA without passing FA!

ISLAMABAD, March 1: This can happen only in Pakistan. The country’s education minister had to have two dates of birth to obtain his graduation degree without passing the intermediate exam, an achievement acquired through the corrupt system. [caption id="attachment_8205" align="alignleft" width="124"]Sheikh Waqas Akram Sheikh Waqas Akram[/caption] , presently outside Pakistan, however, preaches morality in TV talk shows. A frequent traveller to Germany, Waqas continues with his ministerial portfolio without learning from his German counterpart Annette Schavan’s who had to step down immediately after her doctorate thesis was found plagiarised. Waqas has been avoiding from media to discuss this miraculous achievement, which he ‘engineered’ primarily to become an MNA. Efforts were made to contact him on his various numbers during the past week but to no avail. Dozens of messages were conveyed to his PS Mr Shabbir with specific questions but the minister, perhaps, is busy ‘improving’ the quality of education in the country. The scandal has exposed the sorry state of affairs of Pakistan’s education and it will deal a major blow to Pakistan’s effort to defeat the scourge of ignorance and illiteracy. Over half of country’s population is still illiterate and the quality of education is among the lowest in the region. According to education minister’s documents, copies of which are available with The News, Sheikh Waqas obtained his bachelor’s degree without passing the intermediate examination. The minister purportedly passed his BA examination from the Punjab University in 1997. The copy of his degree shows examinations were conducted in 1997 while surprisingly the degree was issued on 27.11.1996. The purported degree also does not bear any roll number or registration number. But the gazette shows that the minister failed in the subject of Stats in intermediate supplementary examinations held in 1996. He had earlier failed in Stats and Mathematics when he appeared in annual intermediate exams in 1995, the documents revealed. Even if the minister would have passed his intermediateexaminations in 1996, he could not have obtained BA degree in 1997, as a candidate cannot appear in BA examination before two years of passing the intermediate. The admission form of Waqas, which is available with the records of Punjab University, also appeared to be tampered with. The form shows his roll number as 11097 and the year of exams as 1995 while the gazette says his roll number was 29622 in 1995 exams. After failing to clear the exam in his first attempt the education minister tried again in 1996. According to record his roll number for 1996 exams was 11097 but sadly he failed again in the subject of Statistics. But somehow he ‘managed’ to clear BA exam in 1997. Strangely all other educational documents of federal education minister bear his name as Waqas Akram while his BA degree contains his full name Sheikh Waqas Akram, which also makes the degree doubtful as someone can imagine that obtaining a BA degree was an afterthought for the minister when the requirement of BA degree was introduced for the parliamentarians during Musharraf’s regime. The matriculation certificate shows Sheikh Waqas Akram’s date of birth as August 26, 1977 whereas his date of birth as shown on his Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) and other record of the University of Punjab is 26 August 1974. The minister did not respond to The News queries despite countless attempts. Mr Shabbir, his PS, agreed to relay the message to Education Minister but the minister did not reply.    ]]>

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