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15 apply for PPP ticket

CHITRAL, Feb 14:  More than 15 persons applied for the ticket of PPP for the one National of National Assembly and two provincial assembly seats from Chitral. pppThe aspirants for the ticket included the incumbent provincial minister Saleem Khan and former tehsil nazim Sartaj Ahmed Khan. The number has increased as compared to the last election due to the abolition of the condition of graduation for contesting election. The other applicants for the party ticket included district general secretary Mohammad Hakim advocate, district information secretary Shah Murad and party workers Bashir Ahmed Khan, Saifuddin Shah advocate, Syed Burhan Shah advocate, Sher Hussain and Sardar Hussain Shah. The list included Mohammad Saeed Khan, Khosh Mohammad, Amirullah Khan, Sultan Mehmood Khan, Mir Dullah Jan, Zaheer Shah, Abu Lais Ramdasi and Sher Mohammad. The short listed applicants will be called for interview before the parliamentary board constituted for the purpose while final selection will be made by the central selection committee.–Zahiruddin  ]]>

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