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Chitrali man seeks CJ's help in recovery of wife

PESHAWAR, Nov 2: A resident of Chitral has requested the Peshawar High Court Chief Justice to help him in recovery of his wife who was allegedly taken away by a person in September and since then her whereabouts were not known. [caption id="attachment_5367" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Justice Dost Mohammad"][/caption] Safeerullah Shah has sent an application to the Chief Justice Dost Mohammad Khan, stating that his wife Roheeda Afshan was a student at Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan and mysteriously disappeared on Sept 20, 2012. He stated that he belonged to Barenis village in Chitral and got married to Roheeda in April 2010. Both of them were aged around 20. The applicant stated that through their own sources they inquired into the matter and came to know that she was taken away by one Munir Khan, a resident of Pandu Road, Peshawar. He added that they had registered an FIR with university police station nominating Munir. However, the police have been dragging their feet on the issue and provided the suspect an opportunity to approach the concerned court for getting pre-arrest bail. Mr Safeer stated that when his wife disappeared she was in advance stages of pregnancy and a few days ago she called her mother from an undisclosed location and claimed that she had given birth to a baby girl. He claimed that in a telephone call on Oct 12 his wife told her mother that she was forcibly taken away and were administered drugs for keeping her unconscious. He stated that officials of university police station in D.I. Khan and that of Pandu police post in Peshawar had been adopting lenient attitude towards the accused. He said they had been threatened by the accused family and other quarters asking them not to pursue this case. He said several jirgas were held on the issue in which notables of the locality of Pandu had participated and he was assured that his wife would be returned but so far that commitment was not fulfilled. He added that in one of the jirgas, the members told them that Roheeda was married to Ahsanullah, a nephew of the accused Munir. The applicant questioned how nikkah of an already married woman could be solemnized. He added that they had been facing problems as they had now come from Chitral and had regularly been shuttling between Peshawar and D.I. Khan. He said so far they had incurred huge expenses over the visits of the policemen from D.I. Khan to Peshawar as they had to arrange luxurious vehicle for them on rent as well as to provide them accommodation. He requested the chief justice to order the local police to recover his wife and daughter and hand them over to him.]]>

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  1. A Rehmnan Nasrali says

    Our leaders only protest when there is some political interest involved like to get votes during elections. Their job has been just to critisize the governement instead of working for the well-being of the community. Irespective of political affeliation, they should come forward and work to address such social issues.

  2. Afzal Aman, Karachi says

    @ Ahmad bro.. Very well said you gave the words to my feeling. I feel the same as you mentioned.

  3. Ahmad, Islamabad says

    We, the Chitralis, are the most unfortunate people in the world. We are greedy, selfish, opportunist, backward, coward and divided. Without giving any second though to all the shortcomings, we just declare ourselves best ever people on the planet earth. This is chronic disease which needs to be cured or this overconfidence will drown us.
    The kidnapping of a Chitrali sister, who was reportedly six-month pregnant when she was picked up, is an eye-opener for all the Chitralis irrespective of religious affiliations, cast or creed.
    This unfortunate incident happened because the culprits knew that Chitralis are not capable enough to respond. We reacted like no one else when a boy killed a girl in Brep after she refused to marry him. Why nobody reacts to kidnapping of a Chitrali daughter?
    Some self-proclaimed scholars wrote columns about the attack on Malala Yousufzai but they ran away with their tails between their legs, their pen stopped writing, their brain came to a standstill and their love for their daughters died altogether when a Chitrali daughter was disgraced.
    This reflects we are divided, literate without any sense of morality and ethics and start chasing the ghost. Those preachers of so-called Chitrali culture and civilization should prove as Hujjaj bin Yousuf did by taking revenge from Hindus for manhandling a woman in Sindh.
    The unfortunate kidnapped woman is the daughter of Chitral. Those who are hesitant to even speak on the issue must realize that they have no right to call themselves as proud Chitralis. The time has come to greet these elected representatives with rotten eggs, tomatoes – nay old shoes – for their failure and lack of response to the incident which directly relates to honour “ghairat” of all of us, the Chitralis.
    They have miserably failed to protect the honour, dignity, lives and properties of the people. Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali made his identity and still politically survives on holding protest demonstrations over petty issues. Why he does not protest against kidnapping of a Chitrali daughter? Why Prince Mohiuddin could not ensure her recovery by talking to the federal interior minister? When Saleem Khan will wake up from the sweet slumber? If all our leaders have lost their moral duty to raise voice for our collective rights, the people of Chitral should have to stand up and protect their honor. Otherwise, more culprits from outside will be emboldened to sneak deep into the small valleys and carry out their heinous crime without any resistance or fear of being held responsible.

    1. Junaid Saleh Hayat, Islamabad says

      Well said, Ahmad! I agree with you!

  4. Wasim, Dolomuts says

    We, the people of Chitral, are fortunate to a great extent but the thing which needs to be developed is understanding one’s worth. A large number of Chitralis are affiliated with top organizations like army, police, judiciary, magistracy, media, customs etc. It is a great achievement for all the Chitralis but the thing which needs to be pointed out is very few of them have the guts to exercise their authority. Despite having a top Chitrali officer in the police department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a Chitrali is moving from pillar to post to recover his kidnapped wife. She has also reportedly given birth to a baby girl but no single Chitrali is ready to raise his voice for the poor woman, including the so-called human rights activists and Chitrali lawyers. The Chitral-based journalists are equally guilty as they have no courage to write against these NGOs, human rights activists and sleeping police officers.

  5. Zakir Hussain (Abu Dhabi) says

    All friends, good and bad times come in the life of everyone. At least feel sympathy with the man if you cannot do something practical. I can only pray that may Allah help this guy and release him from the agony. We all should be careful and vigilant in looking after our dependents. Even in Chitral itself (Ayun), a kidnapping attempt was foiled a few days ago. There is no law in the country; therefore, extra care must be taken. Finally, I hope that the chief justice of Peshawar High Court will take action against the culprits.

  6. Wasim, Dolomuts says

    Mr Arshad, for you the poor Chitrali man should sit silently to preserve his ‘ghairat’. The guy must have lost all hopes of getting his wife back and as a last resort has approached the chief justice. Isn’t this the responsibility of us, all the Chitralis, to help him out. Where are those Chitralis who are very good in organizing dance parties, inviting the folk artists all the way from Chitral to Peshawar, Islamabad and even Karachi and Dubai, in the name of protecting the Chitrali culture by collecting huge funds and misappropriating them. Why these so-called guardians of Chitrali culture are tight-lipped when a Chitrali woman is kidnapped in broad daylight. What role they have played when ignorant and poor Chitralis sell their daughters to outsiders. I am sorry to say that we the Chitralis always feel proud of our culture but do nothing to preserve it.

  7. Afzal, Islamabad says

    @Arshad: This is the reason we Chitralis lag behind because we have no respect for each other. We become excited when somebody is in trouble and something untoward happens to your brother, neighbour or a common Chitrali like this man, whose wife has been kidnapped. One should not react like this as this could happen to anyone. Be afraid of God’s wrath. You have resisted a request because you have not done anything good for anybody throughout your life, so think before you leap.

  8. Arshad says

    I feel sympathy for the gentleman and pray that God may solve his problem soon. But it is also a fact that there are certain things a man has to do himself. The chief justice or any other person cannot do what the husband owes to his wife e.g protecting her honour. Unfortunately, this plea speaks of the lack of ‘ghairat’ of the pleader and I hope he is not representing the standard of self-respect of the Chitralis in general.

  9. Afzal, Islamabad says

    This is indeed a very tragic incident for all the Chitralis and at the same time a test case for my friend Syed Fida Hassan Shah. We rely on him because he is the only police officer from Chitral and tracking down a girl in the name of ‘ghairat’ will make him popular among all Chitralis. So my dear Shah Sahib take it as a challenge after all you are the son-in-law of PMG who is known for services to Chitralis. You have been in police service for the last so many years but so far you have not done anything outstanding for Chitralis. So dear Shah Saheb it is our humble request to you to spring into action.

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