Human rights: project launched to create awareness
CHITRAL, Nov 1: The Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) has launched a project aimed to provide free legal assistance to the needy people.
In a community assembly on ‘human rights’ held under the aegis of SRSP in Kalash valley of Bumburate, 45 community leaders gave their outputs about human rights situation.
The team leader of the project, Rahmat Wali Shah, said the project was financially supported by Open Society Foundation and aimed at disseminating public awareness about legal rights to enable the people to defend their fundamental human rights. He said the project would take into its target varied groups of the community who had been hitherto neglected in different human rights projects.
The president of district bar association, Ghulam Hazrat Inqilabi, advocate said the project was much needed in the district where serious cases of human rights violation were popping with in the last couple of years.
The meeting was also addressed by Maulana Habibullah who highlighted Islamic teachings about human rights and said the process of decay sets in a society when some groups overstep the rights of others.
The community members said that they found the project complete and comprehensive in all respects which will deliver relief to the depressed segments of the society for which they yearned since long.–Zahiruddin]]>