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Science & technology contest held

CHITRAL, Oct 14: A large number of students from different educational institutions took part in a science and technology competition, which concluded here on Sunday. [caption id="attachment_4857" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A student explains her project.--GH Farooqui"][/caption] The three-day competition was organized by the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Chitral. The students had come with their projects which they displayed for the public. The products showed that students, especially females, did not lag behind in scientific creativity. People, including teachers and others, higly appreciated the initiatives of the students.—GH Farooqui Please see more pictures of the competition in our Picture Gallery section.  ]]>

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  1. Salman Ali says

    It was very good… and also very informative with lots of new ideas and projects.

  2. Adnan Zainul Abiden says

    Good to know about the Science and technology competition among the students in Chitral.But due to some technical issue the news article was not fully covered in this page. I wish we could read full story. Regards

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