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Using youth to resolve conflict

WITH the situation deteriorating day by day, the peace process in Gilgit Baltistan is getting jeopardised. The government of Pakistan, specially the government of Gilgit Baltistan, has failed to prevent the terrorist attack on our sister community (Shias). The Chief Justice of Pakistan was supposed to take suo motu action against sectarian killings on KKH but he has not done it so far. The chief justice seems to deem the case of disqualifying the PM of Pakistan as more appropriate. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is still silent over sectarian killings in GB. Not a single voice has been raised by the media over this issue; the Human Rights Commissions all over the world have no single word over it. Although the UN Secretary-General took notice of this issue, it is left in the lurch. No one has sympathy for the people of Gilgit Baltistan. The youth should come forward and play their role in the peace-building process of GB. For youths to be able to really prevent conflict and sectarian killings in GB, first they have to be at peace within themselves and at peace with fellow sister communities. This is the first step to preach peace and prevent conflict. Youths should be supported by the government of Gilgit Baltistan in building peace in the area. In Gilgit Baltistan, youths are ignored in every way as is done in the whole country. Leaders use innocent youths to create war, civil unrest and disturbances because of their vested interest. There is a great need to work on the joblessness of the youth. Government departments and local NGOs should organise immediate training and workshops on peace-building.   TARIQ RAHIM BAIG Gulmit, Hunza]]>

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