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Protest held against kidnapping of Chitrali girl

PESHAWAR, June 7: People from Chitral living in Peshawar blocked Sher Shah Suri Road here on Thursday against the kidnapping of a Chitral female student in upper Dir the other day. The protesters demanded that the government should ensure recovery of the kidnap victim and arrest the kidnappers and bring them justice. The protest demonstration was led by Jamaat-e-Islamai leader Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali. The protesters were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans against the district administration. Zeenat Perveen, daughter of Hakeem Khan, was a student of FSc in Government Degree College in Upper Dir, and lived with a close relative in the district. After appearing in her examination, she went to Chitral and came back to Dir for viva. She was returning from the college along with another girl when she was abducted. The protesters criticized the ANP-led provincial government for its failure to protect the life and property of the masses.]]>

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  1. Muzammil says

    Girls should take the responsibility and be conscious of the honor of their parents, elders and family. Running out with a love of few days or months is not a wise decision. Respect for the wishes of your parents and respectfully negotiate any problem at home.

  2. Salahud. Din says

    It is a deploring act and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. We Chitralis can only condemn and deplore such horrendous actions but don’t have the courage to take revenge for crimes like this. In our area, girls run away with boys and it is only looked down upon by elders as they are helpless in taking any action. I have seen in other parts of Pakistan that running away with your lover is not acceptable, except in our district. The least penalty for such crime is only death for the couple. That is why girls and boys don’t go for this option in any situation except in the lower strata of society. Do we belong to the lower strata? Now it is high time to quit living like beasts and show some respect to our culture by looking around us.

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